Podcasts for Social Workers

Podcasts are a phenomenon that isn’t going away. According to Edison Research Infinite Dial 2020 digital media survey (PDF, 5.7 MB), there are more than 1 million podcasts with over 30 million episodes. More than half of the United Statesβ€”155 million peopleβ€”has listened to a podcast, and 24% listen to podcasts weekly. The average podcast listener subscribes to six shows.

Podcasts by or with contributions from professional social workers may be a great help to those studying social work. These social work podcasts can be a helpful tool to learn more about your chosen profession while on the go or at other convenient times.

Social Work Podcasts to Listen To

There are dozens of podcasts available to social workers, but not all have the perspective of a professional social worker or have contributions from professionals. Here is a list of podcasts that may share career, education, practice or intervention information.

1. Counselor Toolbox

Host(s): Dawn-Elise Snipes, PhD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC

Description: This podcast offers tips, tools and tricks for counselors dealing with mental health and addiction recovery.

Where to Listen: 

Website: Counselor Toolbox podcast

2. Helpful Social Work 

Host(s): Gerry Nosowska, Jo Fox

Description: This podcast’s goal is to help social workers to learn, think and act with integrity to help transform lives. Each month, the hosts discuss an important topic that matters to social workers.

Where to Listen:

Website: Helpful Social Work podcast

3. Inside Social Work Podcast

Host(s): Marie Vakakis

Description: This podcast is intended to help social workers develop and grow their skills with the stories of other social workers and professionals.

Where to Listen: 

Website: Helpful Social Work podcast

4. inSocialWork

Host(s): Guest hosts

Description: This podcast, from the University of Buffalo, seeks to engage practitioners and researchers in lifelong learning and to promote research to practice and practice to research.

Where to Listen:

Website: Helpful Social Work podcast

5. Learn on the Go: The Community Care Podcast

Host(s): Claudia Megele

Description: This podcast discusses the latest research, theories and practice issues and what they mean for social workers.

Where to Listen:

Website: Community Care podcast

6. NASW Social Work Talks Podcast

Host(s): Guest hosts

Description: This podcast from the National Association of Social Workers explores topics to benefit social workers. It also shares information from social work practitioners and experts. 

Where to Listen:

Website: NASW Social Work Talks Podcast

7. Social Work Discoveries

Host(s): Ben Joseph

Description: Joseph, a social worker, interviews a social work researcher about their work and what others can learn from it. This podcast has a strong social justice perspective.

Where to Listen:

Website: Social Work Discoveries podcast

8. The Social Work Podcast

Host(s): Jonathan Singer, PhD, LCSW

Description: Singer speaks on direct clinical practice, research, policy, education and more in one-on-one interviews with professionals in the field.

Where to Listen:

Website: Social Work Podcast

9. The Social Work Stories Podcast

Host(s): Lis Murphy, Mim FoxDescription: This podcast highlights real stories from anonymous social workers.

Where to Listen:

Website: Social Work Podcast

10. The Social Work Tutor Podcast

Host(s): β€œSocial Work Tutor” and β€œCara”Description: This podcast takes a humorous, topical look at the week’s biggest stories from around the social work world.

Where to Listen:

Website: The Social Work Tutor Podcast

11. Thoughts on the Social World

Host(s): David Niven

Description: This podcast touches on social issues. It is from a company that offers training and consultancy in social care, media, child protection and more.

Where to Listen:

Website: Social World Podcast

If you’re interested in making an impact in the field of social work learn more on the steps to become a social worker. You may also explore a list of accredited online MSW programs to view which educational options are available.

Information on this page was last updated in June 2021.